sponsored by Yellowstone river performance horses


cree minkoff


About Cree Minkoff-

I was born and raised in Montana. I grew up in Billings where I played sports throughout my childhood and through high school. Wrestling was my main sport, and I had plans to go wrestle at the collegiate level. This

is until halfway through my senior season I came up with the idea to start my rodeo career. Being a cowboy was calling my name, but how was I to get into the sport? So, the day after state wrestling my dad and I met with a man named Scott Chesarek, and he got us in touch with 6 times World Champ Dan Morten- son. He helped me get on my first bronc, I even wore his spurs. I was hooked from then on.
Through the Dan Mortensen school, I received an offer to rodeo at Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming for Del Knose. From Powell, I attended the University of Montana Western in Dillon, MT where I was also able to rodeo for Iola Else for my final season of college rodeo. This is also where I met my beautiful wife Lorrie Ann and received a bachelor’s in business administration.
As a kid that didn’t grow up on a ranch, or on the back of a horse, bronc riding did not come easy to me. I have worked for and earned every ounce of talent within me. I have also been mentored and coached by some of the greatest cowboys to ever step over bucking horses. Through the hard work and dedication I have put towards my bronc riding ca- reer, I am in a spot now to take my career to that next level.

You can find Cree at

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• @creeminkoff on Instagram • Prorodeo.com
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• Cowboy Channel